четвер26 грудня 2024

Витрати українців зросли: середній розмір чека на онлайн-покупки помітно підвищився.

У період з січня по вересень 2024 року середній чек при оплаті картками в українських магазинах становив 322 гривні, тоді як витрати на товари та послуги в інтернеті зросли на 15% і досягли 553 гривень.
Как тратят украинцы: средний чек за онлайн-покупки значительно вырос.

This is reported by RBK-Ukraine referencing the press service of the NBU. The information is also provided by Kontrakty.UA.

According to the press service, the number of transactions (both cashless and cash withdrawals) in Ukraine and abroad using payment cards issued by Ukrainian banks amounted to 6,392.5 million in the first nine months of 2024, with a total value of 4,791.3 billion UAH. Out of these, there were 6,039.8 million cashless transactions totaling 3,105.4 billion UAH.

The share of cashless transactions in terms of value during the first nine months of 2024 was at 64.8% of the total amount of payment card transactions.

The majority of card transactions were related to payments in retail and service networks, accounting for 46.2% with a total of 1 trillion 433 billion UAH.

Card-to-card transfers during the first nine months of 2024 represented a third of the total amount - 989 billion UAH (31.8%), while online payments for goods and services reached 448 billion UAH (14.4%).

The average amount of a single transaction was:

  • in retail and service networks - 322 UAH (compared to 319 UAH in the first nine months of 2023),
  • for card-to-card transfers - 1,976 UAH (1,986 UAH),
  • for online payments for goods and services - 553 UAH (479 UAH).

Payment Infrastructure

The number of active POS terminals in retail and service networks increased by 8.6% in September compared to January (reaching 487.4 thousand units), while the number of points of sale and service providers accepting payment cards rose by 10.9% (to 512.1 thousand units).

The ATM network decreased by nearly 1%, totaling 15.8 thousand ATMs.

Over the first nine months of 2024, the total number of issued payment cards in Ukraine reached 122.1 million units, which is a 6% increase compared to January of this year.

Similarly, the number of payment cards that were used for expenditures each month also grew at the same rate. The number of active cards rose by 5%, from 51.6 million units in January to 54.1 million units in September.

It is worth noting that, according to the NBU, Ukrainian banks are reducing the number of branches and ATMs while increasing the number of POS terminals. As of October 1, 2024, there were 5,053 operational structural units of banks in Ukraine. Since the beginning of the year, their number has decreased by 85.