п’ятниця27 грудня 2024

Ціни знову підвищилися: електроенергія та овочі встановлюють нові рекорди, повідомляє Держстат.

Підсумки листопада 2024 року свідчать про те, що ціни на споживчі товари та послуги продовжують зростати, а найбільше за останній рік подорожчали електроенергія та овочі.
Цены снова выросли: электроэнергия и овощи устанавливают рекорды, сообщает Госстат.

This is supported by data from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, which has analyzed the price increases for essential goods and services from November 2023 to November 2024. Reports TSN. This information is also provided by Kontrakty.UA.

According to official statistics, the price of electricity has risen by 63.6%, while vegetable prices have surged by 62.9%. Such a rapid increase is attributed to changes in tariffs and seasonal price fluctuations in the food market.

Among the key goods that have also significantly increased in price over the past 12 months are:

butter — +30.7%;

* fruits — +24.7%;

* overall food products — +14.4%.

The increase in the official dollar exchange rate by 15.07% from November 2023 to November of the current year has exerted additional pressure on prices, particularly in import-dependent sectors.

Fuel has also seen a substantial price increase of 10.3%, while among services, medical (outpatient) services rose by 14.9%, and education by 11.9%. The slowest growth rates compared to major consumer categories and services are found in telecommunications services — at 4.7%.

Experts emphasize that the main factors driving price increases remain changes in energy tariffs, currency fluctuations, and the overall instability of the economic situation.