вівторок03 грудня 2024

Розпочати з риби: уряд планує відмовитися від імпорту продуктів харчування.

Український товстолоб за своїми енергетичними властивостями не відстає від імпортного хека. У державних закупівлях буде надаватися перевага українським продуктам.
Начать с рыбы: в правительстве планируют отказаться от импорта продуктов.

This was stated by the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, Vitaliy Koval, as reported by RBK-Ukraine referencing the press service of the ministry. This information is also provided by Kontrakty.UA.

According to the press service, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy is initiating a policy of import substitution in the food sector. "The Ministry of Agrarian Policy, together with the Cabinet, has begun to develop a roadmap for the reorientation of state procurement," the statement reads.

Koval remarked that a significant portion of state procurement consists of imported food products. In particular, state structures currently source most of their fish from abroad.

The minister expressed his belief that the diet of those who procure food with state funds should include Ukrainian fish.

"Just last year, the state purchased imported fish worth nearly 40 billion hryvnias. This includes hake, pangasius, and others. Our goal is to change the state procurement policy in favor of Ukrainian fish. For example, in the diet of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, hake can be replaced with silver carp and white amur," he stated.

The minister reported confirmation from the chief nutritionist of the Ministry of Health that these types of fish are nutritionally comparable to imported varieties.

"This will positively affect the country's balance of payments, create additional demand for fish grown in Ukraine, and provide a boost for the industry," Koval added.

According to customs data, in the first ten months of 2024, food exports from Ukraine increased by 15% to $20.3 billion, while imports rose by 8% to $6.1 billion.

It is worth noting that Ukraine has a "National Cash Back" program - for purchasing Ukrainian goods, one can receive 10% back from their cost. These funds can be spent on utilities, train tickets, and certain goods and services.