п’ятниця18 жовтня 2024

Молдова ввела різні акцизні ставки на сигарети та тютюнові стіки.

Нещодавно парламент Молдови ухвалив рішення про податкові зміни на 2025 рік, що включають введення різних ставок оподаткування для звичайних сигарет та тютюнових стіків, призначених для пристроїв, що нагрівають тютюн.
Молдова ввела различные ставки акцизов на сигареты и табачные стики.

This is reported by RBK-Ukraine citing Infotag. The information comes from Kontrakty.UA.


According to the Ministry of Finance of Moldova, this decision aims to align taxation practices with those of EU countries.

Tax changes include a 15% increase in excise duty on cartridges and tanks for electronic cigarettes (from 2690.87 lei per liter to 3094.50 lei per liter). Additionally, the excise on tobacco sticks for heating tobacco devices will rise by 5% in 2025 (from 1318.62 lei to 1384.55 lei per 1000 pieces), while the minimum excise on cigarettes will increase by 10% (from 1318.62 lei to 1450.48 lei per 1000 pieces).

Thus, in 2025, the difference between the excise rates on cigarettes and tobacco sticks for heating devices will be 5%. It is important to note that further increases in these rates are planned for 2026 at the same pace, which will create a differentiation of 10% between them.

The changes are driven by the need to align the tax policy regarding excise duties on tobacco products and related goods with European Union practices.

As previously mentioned, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is preparing to transition excise rates on tobacco products from hryvnias to euros as part of bill No. 11090, while also changing the taxation approach for regular cigarettes and tobacco products for electric heating (THPs). The excise on cigarettes will increase gradually, aiming for 90 euros by 2028, while for THPs, it will be slightly lower at 72 euros.

This tax differentiation between cigarettes and THPs is necessary to harmonize our legislation with the EU, where the difference in excise duties on regular cigarettes and THPs averages around 66%.

The government anticipates that raising excise duties on all tobacco products will generate an additional 28 billion hryvnias for the budget by 2029.