п’ятниця27 грудня 2024

Понад 20% експорту: в Україні названо найпопулярніші вживані автомобілі з США.

Протягом минулого місяця в Україні було зафіксовано більше 2,5 тисячі вживаних легкових автомобілів, імпортованих зі США.
Почти 20% всего экспорта: названы самые популярные в Украине б/у автомобили из США.

This is reported by RBC-Ukraine, referencing "Ukravtoprom". Additionally, information comes from Kontrakty.UA.

It is noted that this accounts for 17% of all used passenger cars that switched to Ukrainian plates in November. Compared to November 2024, the demand for "Americans" with mileage has decreased by 17%.

The largest share of this number (43%) consists of vehicles with gasoline engines, while electric vehicles made up 39%, hybrid cars accounted for 7%, diesel vehicles comprised 6%, and cars with gas equipment represented 5%. The average age of "Americans" with mileage that joined the Ukrainian car fleet last month was 5 years.

The top five used cars manufactured in the USA included:

  • Tesla Model Y - 288 units;
  • Tesla Model 3 - 286 units;
  • Ford Escape - 170 units;
  • Jeep Cherokee - 153 units;
  • Volkswagen Passat - 141 units.

It is worth noting that in November, the Ukrainian car fleet was replenished with 14.7 thousand used passenger cars imported from abroad. This is the lowest monthly registration number for imported used cars this year. Compared to the previous month, this figure decreased by 10%, and in comparison to November 2023, it dropped by nearly a third.