неділя09 березня 2025

Станом на 31 січня 2025 року, державний та гарантований борг України досяг 7,068 трлн гривень, що еквівалентно 168,99 млрд доларів.

Станом на 31 січня 2025 року державний та гарантований державою борг України становив 7,068 трильйона гривень, що еквівалентно 168,99 мільярда доларів.
Государственный и гарантированный государством долг Украины на 31 января 2025 года составил 7,068 трлн гривен, что эквивалентно 168,99 млрд долларов.

This information comes from RBK-Ukraine, citing data from the Ministry of Finance. Reports are also provided by Kontrakty.UA.

During January 2025, the debt amount increased by 87.03 billion hryvnias in the local currency equivalent, and by 2.93 billion dollars in USD.

Changes in Debt Structure

According to the Ministry of Finance, a trend of extending the maturity of state debt and reducing its cost has been observed both in 2024 and over the past several years.

Specifically, from 2022 to December 31, 2024, the weighted average cost of Ukraine's state and state-guaranteed debt decreased by 1.5 times, from 7.79% to 5.09%, while the weighted average maturity increased by 2 times, from 6.27 years to 12.26 years.

In terms of creditors, the majority of state and state-guaranteed debt consists of concessional loans received from international financial organizations (IFOs) and foreign governments, making up 58%, domestic market-issued securities account for 28%, external market-issued securities constitute 12%, and loans obtained from commercial banks and other financial institutions represent 2%.

State Debt

It is worth noting that as of December 31, 2024, Ukraine's state and state-guaranteed debt amounted to 6.980 trillion hryvnias or 166.06 billion dollars.

Throughout 2024, the amount of Ukraine's debt increased by 26.5% in local currency (by 1.461 trillion hryvnias), while in dollar terms, the debt rose by 14.3% (by 20.74 billion dollars). This difference is attributed to a 10.7% increase in the dollar exchange rate.

According to preliminary calculations, the state debt of Ukraine is expected to be 87.9% of the anticipated GDP in 2024.