четвер13 березня 2025

Трамп може прийняти Нетаньягу в Білому Домі, що зробить його першим іноземним лідером, якого зустрінуть у цій резиденції, повідомляє CNN.

Прем'єр-міністр Ізраїлю Беньямін Нетаньягу може завітати до Білого дому вже на початку наступного тижня, ставши першим іноземним лідером, який зустрінеться з президентом США Дональдом Трампом після його вступу на посаду.
Нетаньягу может стать первым иностранным лидером, которого примет Трамп в Белом доме, сообщает CNN.

This is reported by CNN citing sources, as conveyed by Ukrinform.

According to the channel's sources, the planning of the visit is still ongoing, and an official date has not yet been selected. Both American and Israeli officials have referred to the visit plans as preliminary.

However, it has been reported that the leaders of the two nations discussed Netanyahu's visit to Washington during a phone call a few days prior to last week's inauguration.

Meanwhile, Trump's ambassador to the Middle East, Steve Vitkoff, traveled through the region this week, including a visit to Israel, where arrangements for the visit could potentially be finalized, as reported by CNN.

Netanyahu's spokesperson stated on social media that no official invitation for the visit has been received yet.

As reported by Ukrinform, on Sunday, Axios published that the White House instructed the Pentagon to lift the ban imposed by former President Joe Biden's administration on the supply of 2000-pound bombs to Israel.

At the beginning of May last year, the U.S. halted arms supplies to Israel.

Illustrative photo, flickr.com