вівторок11 лютого 2025

Державний борг України зріс за рік більш ніж на 20 мільярдів доларів.

Станом на 31 грудня 2024 року державний та гарантований державою борг України досягнув 6,980 трильйонів гривень, що еквівалентно 166,06 мільярдам доларів.
Государственный долг Украины за год увеличился более чем на 20 миллиардов долларов.

This is reported by RBK-Ukraine referencing data from the Ministry of Finance. This information is also provided by Kontrakty.UA.

In 2024, Ukraine's debt increased by 26.5% in hryvnia terms (by 1.461 trillion hryvnias), while in dollar terms, the debt rose by 14.3% (by 20.74 billion dollars). This discrepancy is attributed to a 10.7% rise in the dollar exchange rate.

Ukraine's State Debt

As noted by the Ministry of Finance, Ukraine's state debt is becoming cheaper and more long-term. Since the beginning of 2024, its average weighted cost has decreased by 21.8% - from 6.24% to 4.88%.

According to the ministry's press service, the average maturity of state debt exceeds 11 years.

In terms of creditors, the lion's share of state and guaranteed debt consists of concessional loans received from international financial organizations (IFOs) and foreign governments - 58%.

Borrowing in 2024

For the year 2024, Ukraine allocated 57.5 billion dollars for state budget financing. Of this amount, 15.8 billion dollars came from the placement of government bonds (OVDP). The remaining sum (41.9 billion dollars) was received by Ukraine in the form of long-term concessional loans and non-repayable assistance (grants).

The IMF predicts that by 2025, Ukraine's state debt will exceed 100% of the gross domestic product for the first time. In the coming years, it is expected that the debt will not drop below 100% of GDP.