Sunday09 March 2025

When will pensions for working retirees be increased? Here's the response from the Ministry of Social Policy.

The recalculation of pensions for working retirees is scheduled for April. Pensions will be increased based on the accumulated insurance experience.
Когда повысят пенсии работающим пенсионерам: ответ Минсоцполитики.

This was announced by Deputy Minister of Social Policy Daria Marchak, as reported by RBK-Ukraine referencing her statement during a telethon. This information was also shared by Kontrakty.UA.

"Every year, starting from April 1, we carry out an automatic recalculation of pensions for working retirees," she stated.

According to her, this means that the amount of pension rights is reviewed, based on which the pension is calculated.

"In simpler terms, when a person retires but continues to work, they accumulate additional pension rights during the year, from one indexation to another, or from April to April, as they pay contributions from their salary," the Deputy Minister of Social Policy explained.

As Marchak noted, "in April we will take into account all the new accumulated pension rights for working retirees and accordingly increase their pension amount."

It is worth noting that there are a total of 2.8 million working retirees in Ukraine. According to the Ministry of Social Policy, the recalculation of pensions this year will be conducted for 629,000 working retirees.

The recalculation is based on the experience gained over the last two years. The amount of the pension increase is determined individually for each retiree, depending on the length of their insurance record and the salary (income) from which the pension is calculated.

Payments of the recalculated pensions will commence in June, taking into account the additional payments for April and May.

No personal visits are required for the recalculation process; it occurs automatically.