Thursday13 March 2025

The migration service clarified whether Ukrainians can hold two foreign passports at the same time.

According to current legislation, every Ukrainian citizen is entitled to hold two valid foreign passports. For instance, if an individual applies for a new foreign passport, their old passport remains valid, and they have the right to retain it.
В миграционной службе объяснили, могут ли украинцы одновременно иметь два заграничных паспорта.

The press service of the State Migration Service of Ukraine reported this on Facebook, as conveyed by Ukrinform.

“A previous (or one of the previous) foreign passport is subject to cancellation if: its validity period has expired; in case of information changes. Additionally, there are instances when an old passport for traveling abroad is needed for specific reasons. In such cases, the canceled passport may not be confiscated upon request of the individual to whom the document belongs,” the SMSU stated.

The press service clarified that an exception is made for a change of surname – in this case, it is impossible to keep the old foreign passport as valid.

The institution reminded that a foreign passport is issued: for four years – to individuals under the age of 16; for ten years – to individuals who are 16 years old or older.

As reported, the State Migration Service of Ukraine recognized 1 Russian and 1 Belarusian as refugees on the territory of the Ukrainian state last year.