Saturday18 January 2025

Ukrainian National Guard cadets practiced crisis response actions in Latvia.

In Latvia, cadets from the humanitarian and command-staff faculties of the National Academy of the National Guard participated in an international training course on crisis management.
Курсанты Нацгвардии Украины отработали действия в кризисных ситуациях в Латвии.
In Latvia, cadets from the humanitarian and command-staff faculties of the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine participated in an international training course on crisis management.

As reported by Ukrinform, this was announced by the National Guard of Ukraine on Facebook.

Participation in the Crisis Management Operation course resulted from a Memorandum of Cooperation signed between the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine and the National Defense Academy of Latvia.

The course, organized by the Latvian side, brought together representatives from five countries: Latvia, Ukraine, Georgia, Romania, and Poland.

The program included both theoretical and practical sessions, allowing participants to delve deeper into the field of crisis management and cooperation among states during emergencies.

It is noted that during the training, cadets not only enhanced their knowledge and skills but also exchanged experiences with future officers from other countries.

As reported by Ukrinform, according to the Canadian Joint Operations Command, over the past ten years, this country has trained more than 43,000 Ukrainian military personnel and representatives from other law enforcement agencies in modern combat skills.