This information is reported by RBK-Ukraine citing the press service of the NBU on Facebook. Similar reports are provided by Kontrakty.UA.
According to the statement, some media outlets and Telegram channels are spreading false and manipulative information suggesting that Ukrainians may have their bank accounts blocked for frequent cash withdrawals—more than three times a month, especially in large amounts—and for the frequent use of cash credits.
"We emphasize that this information is not true," the statement reads.
The press service noted that the media refer to "the NBU's recommendations for enhancing financial monitoring in Ukraine," without specifying particular documents.
"However, there are no requirements for blocking accounts for conducting such transactions in any recommendations, letters, regulatory acts, or other official NBU documents," the NBU stated.
The press service added that banks, payment, and financial institutions continue to operate and conduct due diligence on their clients solely within the framework of the legislation regarding financial monitoring, applying a risk-oriented approach.
Limits on Transfers
We remind you that starting from October 1, 2024, the NBU has set limits on outgoing card-to-card (P2P) transfers up to 150,000 UAH per month. This limit will be in effect until April 1, 2025.
In December, the largest banks signed a memorandum regarding the reduction of transfer limits. The memorandum extends the restrictions to transfers via the IBAN system.
Banks will not impose limits on transactions for clients with verified income sources (including salary clients and other clients with confirmed income), as well as for volunteers.
If there is no documented confirmed income, banks are obliged to set limits (which will apply to transfers with IBAN details) on transactions:
- for "high" risk clients, a limit of up to 50,000 UAH per month;
- for "medium" and "low" risk clients:
- from February 1, 2025 - up to 150,000 UAH per month,
- from June 1, 2025 - up to 100,000 UAH per month.