The National Agency for Prevention of Corruption (NAPC), based on lifestyle monitoring results and in collaboration with the State Bureau of Investigations, along with evidence obtained from the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office (SAP), has identified signs of the acquisition of unjustified assets amounting to 7.8 million UAH by a patrol police officer of the Kharkiv District Department of the National Police of Ukraine in the Kharkiv region.
It has been established that the spouse of the law enforcement officer owns a 2018 Lexus LX 450 valued at 3.7 million UAH, as well as an apartment in Kharkiv worth 5.8 million UAH,
reported the NABU.
An analysis of their legitimate income and savings indicates that they managed to accumulate assets of approximately 1.6 million UAH. This amount only partially covers the costs of acquiring the aforementioned property. The origin of the additional 7.8 million UAH remains unknown.
Therefore, prosecutors from the SAP have filed a lawsuit in the High Anti-Corruption Court to declare the assets unjustified and to recover them for the state.